Dealing with Grief and Loss: Coping Strategies and Support Systems

Dealing with grief and loss can be an overwhelming and painful experience, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to go through it alone. Remedy Clinic, a counselling service located in Dublin City Centre, offers support and resources to help you navigate this difficult time. In this article, we will explore effective coping strategies and support systems, including the services provided by Remedy Clinic.

Understanding Grief and Loss

  • What is grief and loss?
  • The stages of grief: Kubler-Ross model
  • Common reactions to grief and loss

Grief and loss refer to the emotional and psychological response to the loss of someone or something significant in our lives. The Kubler-Ross model identifies five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, it’s important to note that not everyone goes through these stages in a linear order, and some may not experience all of them. Common reactions to grief and loss include shock, numbness, sadness, guilt, and loneliness.

Coping Strategies for Grief and Loss

  • Self-care activities
  • Talk therapy
  • Joining a support group
  • Seeking professional help

There are various coping strategies for dealing with grief and loss. Engaging in self-care activities such as exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep can help you cope better. Talk therapy with a licensed professional can also help you work through your emotions and thoughts. Joining a support group with others who have experienced similar losses can provide a sense of community and understanding. Seeking professional help such as counselling or advice from your GP may also be necessary in some cases. Remedy Clinic provides counselling services for individuals experiencing grief and loss in Dublin City Centre.

Support Systems for Grief and Loss

Your loved ones can be a great source of comfort and support during your grieving process. Religious or spiritual support can provide solace and offer hope in times of distress. Online resources such as blogs, forums, and social media groups can provide a sense of connection and understanding. Remedy Clinic in Dublin City Centre offer counselling in our Dublin Clinic.

Moving Forward After Grief and Loss

  • Accepting the reality of the loss
  • Finding meaning and purpose
  • Creating a new normal

Moving forward after grief and loss can be a gradual process that involves accepting the reality of the loss and finding new meaning and purpose in life. It is important to acknowledge and honour your feelings while also allowing yourself to move forward. Creating a new normal may involve setting new goals, pursuing new hobbies, or making new connections. Remedy Clinic can provide ongoing support and guidance to help you navigate this process in Dublin City Centre.


Dealing with grief and loss can be a challenging and emotional experience, but there are effective coping strategies and support systems available to help you navigate through it. Remedy Clinic, located in Dublin City Centre, offers counselling services and resources to support individuals experiencing grief and loss. Remember that grief is a personal and unique experience, and there is no right or wrong way to cope. Be kind to yourself and seek support when needed.


  1. Is it normal to feel guilty after a loss?
  • Yes, it is common to feel guilty after a loss. It is important to acknowledge and work through these feelings with a licensed professional, such as those available at Remedy Clinic in Dublin City Centre.
  1. How can I support a friend who is grieving?
  • You can offer your presence and support, listen without judgment, and avoid trying to fix their feelings. Encourage them to seek professional help if needed, such as through the counselling service
  1. How long does the grieving process last?
  • The grieving process is personal and unique to each individual. It can last for weeks, months, or even years.

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